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We are pleased to present you our new catalog!

Our breeding team realizes an intense selection program in cucumbers covering all types of pickling or salad cucumbers. Furthermore, there are our own breeding activities in cabbages, radish, carrots, tomatoes, sweet pepper, green peas, squash, and herbs. Other important species as onions, lettuce, or Southern crops are carried out within joint selection or testing projects with our partners in several important growing regions.

We deliver the seeds for professional growers in our own “satimex”-bags or tins, treated and packed according to the individual wishes of our customers. The seeds of the standard assortment for amateur gardeners, we usually deliver in bulk, packed in larger PP or paper bags.

Cucumber SX-1524 F1
Maturation group: early. Fruit ratio: 16 cm. Surface: smooth. Resistant to mosaic virus and powdery mildew and downy mildew. Parthenocarpic, Beth-alpha type, with medium green stripes, high yielding. High resistance to CMV, DM diseases. heat resistant

Cucumber SX-1204 F1
Ripening group: early. Fruit ratio: 28-32 cm. Surface: almost smooth. Resistant to mosaic virus and powdery mildew and downy mildew. Very productive, promising NEW; fruit with a short neck and a beautiful rounded ending

Salamanda F1 snack cucumber.
The perfect, crunchy mini cucumber for a quick snack, with about 10- 12 cm long fruits. Excellent, bitter-free, very juicy and sweet-bitter taste. The compact, extremely yielding and robust F1 hybrid is ideal for balcony and bed cultivation as well as for cultivation in the greenhouse.
The snack cucumber Salamanda F1 is very resistant to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), mildew (Peronospora xanthii) and false mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis).
Cucumber mini Sultan F1
(SX-284 F1)
Maturity group: very early. Fruit length: 8-10 cm. Surface: very smooth. Disease resistant: powdery mildew, downy mildew, cucumber mosaic. Beautifully shaped dark green fruits, very healthy plants, for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground.

Cucumber SX-959 F1
Parthenocarpic. Beth-alpha type. Dark green fruits, cylindrical 15 x 4 cm, 200 g, resistant to CMV, WMV, PM, IR: Dm. High yielding, best suited to warmer climates, fast growing plant, 45 days maturity.

Cucumber SX-1522 F1
Maturation group: early. Fruit ratio: 16-17 cm. Surface: smooth. Resistant to mosaic virus and powdery mildew and downy mildew. Parthenocarpic. Beth-alpha type. Best suited for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation, High resistance to CMV, DM diseases. heat resistant

Pickling SX-1205 F1
Parthenocarpic. Maturation group: medium-early. Fruit ratio: 3.1:1, medium to large tubercles. Disease resistant: true and powdery mildew. Dark green, oblong blockshaped fruits with a small seed chamber; high taste, dense texture fruits provides high keeping quality and transportability. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew, highly tolerant to false powdery mildew.

Cucumber SX-1291 F1
Beth-alpha type. For open ground with good vigor and medium branching. Dark green leaves provide good crown coverage. The hybrid produces a bountiful harvest of dark green, cylindrical fruits that are crispy and tasty.
Cucumber SX-1309 F1
Maturation group: medium-early. Fruit ratio: 3.1:1. Shape: large-tuberculate. sustainable to diseases: garden mosaic virus, true and downy mildew. Powerful and regenerative growth; dark green fruits; distinguished by excellent quality and elasticity pulp; very productive during the long growing season.

Pickling SX-1439 F1
New selection of variety Cosima. Very early productive hybrid with dark green fruits. Small core and firm flesh. High resistance to mealy dew and good ability to regenerations allow you to collect long term harvest period. Disease resistant: CMV, powdery mildew
Murza F1 american slicer cucumber.
The perfect cucumber for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. The 20 cm long, dark green fruits ripen very early, are super tasty and ideal for the cucumber salad. 100% purely female flowers, i.e. a fruit develops from every blossom! Murza F1 is a variety for professionals and therefore extremely stress-tolerant even under the most difficult growing conditions. Murza F1 is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), powdery mildew (Peronospora xanthii) and downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis).

Gherkin Cosima F1.
A medium-early and very healthy cucumber plant with dark green rough finely spiked about 10 cm long fruits. Cosima is very productive even under difficult growing conditions. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), mildew (Peronospora xanthii) and mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis). Ideal for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation.

Cocktail tomato Oringa F1.
The perfect elliptic shaped tomato, burst-resistant fruits for single fruit and whole panicle harvest. The bright orange fruits are firm enough to cut, and a real eye-catcher that brings variety to your table. The perfectly balanced sugar-acid ratio of this snack tomato ensures a very delicious, fruity-sweet aroma. Oringa is an early, high-yielding stake tomato with long panicles. Resistance to blossom end rot, fusarium and mosaic virus. Due to their types, these plants are also suitable for larger containers on balconies, patios and raised beds.
Cocktail tomato Lemonia F1.
A high-yielding stake tomato with intense lemon-yellow, burst-resistant fruits. The medium-sized fruits have the perfect fruity-sweet taste. Healthy plants, due to high phytophthora and stress tolerance.

Beefsteak tomato Rosamunde F1.
The original from Satimex Quedlinburg! Large, pink-red beefsteak tomato with an excellent, juicy taste. A high-yielding stake tomato with burst-resistant fruits. Extremely stress and disease resistant, due to high phytophthora and stress tolerance. The Rosamunde is the perfect tomato for fresh consumption.

Indeterminate pink tomato: SX-467 F1
Maturation group: early. Shape: flat-round. Weight: 160-220 g. Symmetrical bunch with 5-6 fruits of the same size, ripening at the same time. Disease resistant: TmV, F1, F2.

Big beef tomato Quedlinburg Oxheart F1.
The original from the Quedlinburg breed! The oxheart tomato is known for its large, fleshy fruits. Sweet, slightly sour and extremely aromatic. The intense red fruits have the typical, well-known heart shape. The perfect tomato for fresh consumption. A high-yielding stake tomato with burst-resistant fruits. Healthy plants, due to high phytophthora and stress tolerance.
Cherry tomato Red Bambie F1.
A wonderful, bright red provides color in your garden or on your balcony. With these medium-sized, fruity-sweet snack vegetables, you can perfectly complement your menu. The berries are sliceable and particularly burst-resistant. Very early and high yielding hybrids. The variety is robust and extremely resistant to typical tomato diseases such as late blight and brown rot. This stake tomato with extremely long tomato panicles comes into its own in the fresh kitchen: in salads, as a snack or vitamin-rich side dish.

Cocktail tomato: Tasty Queen F1
Very early tomato type Mini San Marzano. Suitable for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. The fruits have a slightly elongated angular shape and a bright red color, the weight of the fruit is 30g. Long bunches of tomatoes have very high yield and excellent taste. For fresh consumption, salads and snacks, great for stuffing. Resistant to ToMV:0-2, Ma/Mi-M

Pink tomato: SX-1377 F1
Maturation group: medium-early. Shape: flat-round. Weight: 250-300 g. Vigorous plant, with good foliage; resistant to sunburn; beautiful color in demand Disease resistant: TmV, V, F1, F2.

Indeterminate hybrid SX-755 F1
Maturation group: medium-early. Shape: round. Weight: 190-240 g. Disease resistant: TSwV, V, N, F1, F2. A new hybrid recommended for mid-late production. High percentage of large fruits, better resistance to nematodes

Pink tomato: SX-679 F1
Mid-early tomato hybrid. Fruits, with an average weight of 200-240 g, flat-round shape, without spots, rich crimson color. Indeterminate, with a semi-vegetative type of growth, with medium foliage and close internodes. The inflorescence is simple, with 6 fruits, on average. Resistant to ToMV;Fol;Va; Vd;Ff;Ma;Mi;Mj. Products of excellent taste and quality, in demand by consumers.

Tomato SX-1090 F1
Maturity group: medium. Shape: round. Fruit weight: 180-190 g. Resistant to TmV, V, F1; F2, TYLCV. An excellent fresh tomato. Has very good taste qualities. Long flowering period.

Mini paprika Redsnack F1.Mini-Snack Paprika with lots of sweet, pointed fruits in the ideal snack size. The kernels of the small peppers sit at the base of the stem so that you don’t bite the kernels directly when eating fresh. The compact plant produces a variety of bright red fruits very early on. The fruits are particularly tasty and rich in vitamins for fresh consumption, as a salad or filled with cream cheese. A real highlight from the original Quedlinburg breed!

Bell pepper Savio F1.
Blocky peppers, ripens from green to intense red and changes its flavour. Fruits become sweet and juicy with a mild aroma. Early, very productive hybrids with fleshy, mildly aromatic fruits. The compact fruits are particularly tasty and rich in vitamins for fresh consumption, as a salad or in a vegetable stew. Strong, healthy plants over a long harvest period.

Bell pepper Satrapo F1.
Blocky peppers, ripens from green to intense yellow and changes its flavour. Fruits become sweet and juicy with a mild aroma. Early, very productive hybrids with fleshy, mildly aromatic fruits. The compact fruits are particularly tasty and rich in vitamins for fresh consumption, as a salad or in a vegetable stew. Strong, healthy plants over a long harvest period.

Sweet pepper SX- 1436 F1
Shape: cuboid. Length: 10-12cm. Walls: very thick. Length: 180-200 g. Color: red. Maturation group: medium-early. PVY resistant and good tolerates heat; tolerates well storage and transportation

Sweet pepper SX- 1169 F1
Shape: cuboid. Length: 8-10cm. Walls: thick. Weight: 300-320 g. Color: red. Maturation group: medium-early. TMV resistant; beautiful pepper; tolerates storage and transportation

Sweet pepper SX-051 F1
Shape: cuboid. Length: 10 x 10cm. Walls: very thick. Weight: 220-250g. Color: dark red. Maturation group: medium-early. compact plant, good foliage cover, excellent marketable species resistant to TMV

Determinate variety SX-098
Maturation group: medium-late. Shape: oval-round. Weight: 80-90 g. Disease resistance: TmV, V, F1, F2. Very resistant variety to leaf diseases; has a high dry matter content.

Type Capia SX-605 F1
Shape: elongated conical. Length: 23-25 cm. Walls: thick. Weight: 210-215 cm. Color: orange. Maturation group: medium - early. A tall bush with a good ovary large fruits (6-7 cm in diameter); sweet and crunchy fruits from dark green ripen to orange.

Eggplant SX-1189 F1

Eggplant SX-630 F1
Early ripening group. Shape: oval. Fruit size: 20x15 cm. Cultivation: open and closed ground. Abundant fruit set evenly throughout the plant; green calyx without thorns; for spring and summer cultivation.
Eggplant SX-1188 F1
Maturation group: early. Shape: elongated oval. Fruit size: 21x5 cm. green cups; shiny skin; tolerates transportation well.

Eggplant SX-1186 F1
Maturation group: early. Shape: oval. Fruit size: 16x6.5 cm. Dark purple shiny skin; well tolerates transportation and storage

Cauliflower Unibotra
Proven high quality early maturing variety. Designed for all-season cultivation. Maturation group: medium-early. Ripening time: 60-75 days. Shape: dome. Weight: 1.5-2 kg

Red Kuri, Uhiki Kuri
small (up to 2 kg) pumpkin, dark orange; ideal for soups

Mini Musk de Provence
dense pulp, with a pleasant aroma and taste of nutmeg pumpkin; fruits weigh about 2-3.5 kg, diameter is about 24-26 cm; ripen from green to orange-gray and are ideal for storage; excellent taste, good shelf life

Watermelon SX-1184 F1
Variety type: Crimson Sweet. Maturation group: early. Oval. Weight: 10-14 kg. Disease resistance: Fus. High yielding watermelon with high quality fruits; tolerates transportation well.

Watermelon SX-832 F1
Type: Crimson Sweet Weight: 12-15 kg Oblong fruits, dark red fruit flesh, good leaf coverage, medium maturity, high sugar content - 12% Growing type: open ground and tunnel Disease resistant: Fusarium F.0.1. For fresh market

Watermelon Udalets F1
(SX-794 F1)
Variety type: Crimson Sweet. Maturity group: medium early. Fruit shape: oblong-oval. Weight: 12-15 kg. Disease resistance: Fus. Vigorous plant with excellent fruit coverage; tasty crispy pulp; perfectly tolerates storage and transportation; does not create voids.
Watermelon Emerald F1
(SX-633 F1)
Variety type: Crimson Sweet. Maturation group: early. Fruit shape: round. Weight: 15+kg. Disease resistance: Fus. Hybrid with excellent palatability; differs in keeping quality, transportability and productivity.

Bulb onion: Padischah (SX-133)
Maturation group: medium-late. Type: IM. For cultivation in the region: south. Shape: round. Size: large. Colour: bronze to dark brown. Good for storage until January. Cleaning: August - September. Sowing is possible from January to April; a popular novelty for the Southern regions; excellent in storage due to thick and dry scales; high-yielding about 100 t/ha.
Onion: Anton (SX-970)
Maturation group: medium-late. Type: IM. For cultivation in the region: center; south. Shape: round., large. Colour: bronze to dark brown. Good for storage. Cleaning: August - September. Maintains quality during long-term storage; high-yielding large onion with excellent quality skin.
Zucchini SX-1230 F1
Uniform creamy green fruits. Shape: beautiful cylindrical. Size 22x5 cm; ripening period 50 days from the date of sowing; vigorous bushes
Zucchini SX-1089 F1
An upright, medium-sized plant with no secondary branching, with creamy green fruit and a pear shape. Resistant to ZYMV and CMV; suitable for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground; high yielding variety.

Carrot SX-586 F1
Variety type: Shantenay. Shape: slightly conical. Length: 16-17 cm. Maturity group: mid-early. Ripening time: 100-110 days. For fresh consumption and storage.

Basil Imir
The best variety for growing in pots, compact! Very stable healthy variety with high resistance to powdery mildew.

Basil Saturn
A compact fast growing variety with an ideal plant structure. An ideal basil variety for growing in pots with strong, medium-sized leaves. A very stable and healthy variety for growing in greenhouses and outdoors. Robust variety with high resistance to powdery mildew.

Basil Bambi
compact basil with small leaves and good branching. Variety with fragrant basil flavor.

Basil Smaragd
A compact fast growing variety with slightly arched leaves. Good for growing in pots and cuttings in the greenhouse and outdoors.
Basil Ben
Relatively compact cultivar with medium sized, very dark green leaves. The ideal structure of the plant and smooth leaves guarantee stable health. High resistance to powdery mildew.
Cabbage SX-879 F1
Ripening group: medium early. Maturing time: 70-75 days. Possibility of storage: 2-3 weeks. Head weight: 1.9-2.1 kg. Shape: flat Possesses excellent ability to keep a trade dress in the field for a long time and uniformity of heads after ripening; great for transportation and storage; has good overall Y disease resistance and heat resistance.

Melon SX-792 F1
The shape of the fruit is oval. Beautiful orange color of the peel with a fine snow-white mesh. Juicy sweet fragrant pulp. Fruit weight 3 kg.

Beetroot SX-404
Shape: round. Root size: medium. Color: dark red. Leaf color: greenish red. Germination type: multi-germ. Maturation group: late. Propensity to bloom: very low. Not subject to bolting and cercosporosis, resistant to sudden changes in temperature; forms a high yield in different geo-zones; suitable for harvesting with a top-lifting combine.

Melon SX-1352 F1
Variety type: Cantaloupe. Ripening time: medium early. Shape: round. Weight: 2.5-3.5 kg. Appearance: yellow with a grid, orange flesh. Vigorous plant with uniform fruits.
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